Journal Articles
“McLuhan and Posthumanism: Extending the Techno-Animal Embrace.” Canadian Journal of Communications, Fall 2019.
“Attending the Giraffe,.” Humanimalia: A Journal of Human-Animal Interface Studies., Vol. 9 #1, Fall 2017.
“On McLuhan’s Media: Assembling the Human.” Imaginations, In press, Winter 2018.
“The Politics of Evidence: The Contemporary Canadian Context.” MediaTropes eJournal, 5.2. “ Ed. Jenny Bosaller. University of Missouri, 2015.
Reprint from Canada Report, Robarts Centre for Canadian Studies, 2014.
Tab: Take Academic Back! An Epilogue.” Canadian Journal of Communication, Vol. 2, Issue 1, 2017, 163-165.
A Visitor’s Guide to the Virtual Menagerie,” Antennae: Journal of Nature and Culture #30, 2015.
“Animal And/as Medium: Symbolic Work in Communicative Regimes.“ Global South, Vol 1 No 3, Spring 2009, 42-65.
“The Elephant in the Classroom.” International Journal of Inclusive Education 13:7(2009): 799-811.
“The Politics of the Exasperated: Arts and Culture in Canada” ESC: English Studies in Canada, Vol. 33 No 3, .2 (2009), 24-30.
“Cat and Mouse: Iconographies of Nature and Desire,” Cultural Studies, Vol. 22 No 2, Spring 2008.
Reprinted in Cultural Studies and the Environment, Revisited. Ed. Phaedra Pezzullo. London: Routledge, 2010.
Reprinted in Human Animal Studies, ed. Susan McHugh and Garry Marvin. London: Routledge, 2017.
“Spatial Narratives in the Canadian Imaginary,” New Formations: A Journal of Culture/Theory Politics. No. 57: Space and Text, 2005/6, 39-55.
“Walkerton: The Memory of Matter,” TOPIA: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies, 14, Fall 2005, 93-108.
“’Are you Interested in Helping Shape the Future of Scholarly Communication in Canada?’ Progress in Print.” TOPIA: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies, 10, 2003, 73-82.
“Writing on the Border.” CR: The New Centennial Review 1.2, 2001, 139-170
Reprinted in Between Empires: A Canadian Cultural Studies Reader. Eds. Gail Faurchou, Sourayan Mookerjea and Imre Szeman. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2009, 472-487
Reprinted (revised) in Berland, North of Empire, 2009
“Nationalism and the Modernist Legacy: Dialogues with Innis” Culture and Policy Vol 8 No. 3, Brisbane, 1997, 9-37 (Google Scholar: cited by 25)
Reprinted in Berland and Hornstein (eds) Capital Culture, 2000.
“Space at the Margins: Critical Theory and Colonial Spatiality after Innis.” TOPIA: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies 1, 1997, 55-82
Reprinted in Harold Innis in the New Century: Reflections and Refractions, edited by Charles Acland and Bill Buxton, Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press, 2000. Reprint.
Reprinted (excerpt) in Beyond Wilderness: The Group of Seven, Canadian Identity, and Contemporary Art. Edited by John O’Brian and Peter White. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2007.
“Politics after Nationalism, Culture after Culture.” Canadian Journal of American Studies: Special Issue, Proceedings of the Trade Marks CAAS Conference, 1997
“Marginal Notes: Cultural Studies in Canada” in University of Toronto Quarterly, Volume 64 No. 4, 1995, pp. 514-523
“On ‘Reading’ the Weather.” Cultural Studies, Vol 8 #2, 1994.
Reprinted in “Das Wetter und wir. Wie Nature und Kultur sich miteinander vershranken,” in Widerspenstige Kulturen: Cultural Studies als Herausforderung, edited by Karl H. Norning und Rainer Winter, Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Taschenbuch Verlag, 1999. Reprint in German.
“Radio Space and Industrial Time: Music Formats, Local Narratives and Technological Mediation.” Popular Music, Vol. 9, No. 2, 1990, pp. 179-192 (Google Scholar: Cited by 190)
Reprinted in Popular Music: Critical Concepts in Media and Cultural Studies, edited by Simon Frith, Routledge, 2003.
Reprinted in Critical Cultural Policies, edited by Justin Lewis and Toby Miller, Blackwell Press, 2002.
Reprinted in Canadian Music: Issues of Hegemony and Identity edited by Beverley Diamond and Robert Witmer, Canadian Scholars’ Press, 1994.
“Weathering the North: Climate, Colonialism and the Mediated Body.” Provincial Essays, 1990.
Reprinted in Relocating Cultural Studies, edited by Valda Blundell, John Shepherd and Ian Taylor, Routledge, 1993
Reprinted in Pop Can: Popular Culture in Canada, edited by L. Van Luven and P. Walton, Prentice-Hall, 1999.
“Placing television”. New Formations, 4, 145-54.
“Locating Listening: Technological Space, Popular Music, Canadian Mediations.” Cultural Studies 2.3, 1988, 343-358.
Reprinted in “Locating Listening: Technological Space, Popular Music, Canadian Mediation” in The Place of Music: Music, Space and the Production of Place, edited by Andrew Leyshon, David Matless and George Revill. NY: Guilford Press, 1998.
“Politics after Nationalism, Culture after Culture.” Canadian Journal of American Studies,” Special Issue, Selected Proceedings, Trade Marks CAAS Conference, 1997.
“Marginal Notes: Cultural Studies in Canada.” University of Toronto Quarterly 6.4, 1995, 514-523.
“Level Playing Field or Scorched Earth? Music and the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement.” Cultural Studies 5.3, 1991, 317-325.
“Disciplining the Popular: Music and Pedagogy.” With Nikolas Kompridis. Communication Information: Revue Quebecoise des recherches et des pratiques en communication et information 8.2, 1987, 157-169.
“Music, Radio, and the Regulatory Double Bind.” Working Paper, International Association for the Study of Popular Music, Carleton University.
“Sound, Image and the Media: Rock Video and Social Reconstruction.” Journal of Communication Inquiry, 1986; 10.1, 1987, 34-47.
Reprinted as “Sound, Image, and Social Space: Music Video and Media Reconstruction” in Sound and Vision: The Music Television Reader, edited by Simon Frith, Andrew Goodwin, and Lawrence Grossberg, Routledge, 1993.